Cappadocia is a historical name for a region in eastern Asia Minor on the territory of modern Turkey, which has been in use since antiquity up to the present day. It is distinguished by an extraordinarily interesting landscape of volcanic origin, underground cities founded in the 1st millennium B.C. and extensive cave monasteries, which trace their history back to the times of the early Christians. Goreme National Park and the cave settlements of Cappadocia are on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

The history of Cappadocia goes back centuries. The name “Cappadocia” has a controversial question of its origin. It is believed that this name was given to the area by the Hittites. “Cappadocia” means “Land of beautiful horses” or “Land where good horses were bred”.

However, linguistic research leads to more theories. For example, in 2000 BC the belief in the goddess Khepat (Kuta Khepat, i.e., Sacred Khepat) was widespread in this area. Perhaps this is the basis that was later transformed into “Kappadocia” in Hellenic. And it means “Land/people of sacred Khepat.”

But the most interesting thing is not the name, but the landscape of Cappadocia. It was formed by three volcanoes that erupted in the area at different times, and as a result, the area has risen 200 meters from its original level.
Over the years, the ash turned into tuff and the lava into basalt. Wind, rain, temperature changes and erosion took place.
As a result, this dreamlike, surreal area called Cappadocia was born: all these magical fairy trumpets, inconceivable canyons, valleys, and unrealistic shapes.

Unfortunately, what once created this fantastic terrain will also ruin it. Erosion continues, which means that someday all this beauty will disappear.
And until that happens, you just need to visit Cappadocia, see the beauty from a bird's eye view, flying up in a balloon in the sky, climb into the most remote caves in the Fairy Village and of course visit the ancient churches.
Cappadocia is a miracle created by nature and protected by UNESCO.


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